Olga Drobotiuk
Senior Fellow, Ph. D. in economics
cell. phone: (+38)
e-mail: owkhomenko@gmail.com
e-mail: owkhomenko@gmail.com
Main research interests:
- China’s economy
- China’s global competitiveness
- China’s higher education system and world-class universities
- Ukrainian-Chinese economic relations
PhD thesis:
Building of Chinese economic innovation competitiveness: dissertation for Ph.D. in Economics
List of main publications:
- Drobotiuk, O. (2021) Digital economy and technological trends: evolution, components and archetypes, Digital economy: impact of ICT on human capital and formation of future competencies: monograph / L.L. Antoniuk, D.O. Ilnytskyy, L.O. Ligonenko, O.O. Denysova and colleagues; edited by Antoniuk L., Ilnytskyy D., Sevastiuk A.. Kyiv, Kyiv National Economic University, рр.10-18.
- Drobotiuk, O. (2021) Digital economy and technological trends: evolution, components and archetypes, Digital economy: impact of ICT on human capital and formation of future competencies: monograph / L.L. Antoniuk, D.O. Ilnytskyy, L.O. Ligonenko, O.O. Denysova and colleagues; edited by Antoniuk L., Ilnytskyy D., Sevastiuk A.. Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University, 2021. рр.11-19 (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2021) Trends in the development of information and communication technologies, Digital economy: impact of ICT on human capital and formation of future competencies: monograph / L.L. Antoniuk, D.O. Ilnytskyy, L.O. Ligonenko, O.O. Denysova and colleagues; edited by Antoniuk L., Ilnytskyy D., Sevastiuk A.. Kyiv: KNEU, 2021. рр.19-29 (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2021) Policy for the development of the the digital economy ecosystems, Digital economy: impact of ICT on human capital and formation of future competencies: monograph / L.L. Antoniuk, D.O. Ilnytskyy, L.O. Ligonenko, O.O. Denysova and colleagues; edited by Antoniuk L., Ilnytskyy D., Sevastiuk A.. Kyiv: Kyiv National Economic University, 2021. рр.202-216 (in Ukrainian)
- Antoniuk L. Drobotiuk O. (2020) Intellectualization of economic development in East Asia, Intellectual Challenges to Economic Globalism, Riga, pp.255 – 277.
- Andrusiv, V., Amelin, A., Lavryk, Y., Drobotiuk, O. etc. (2019) Vision Ukraine – 2023, Kyiv, Samit-Knyga, Ukranian Institute for the Future,136 p. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2019) Model for assessing the quality of higher education in the PRC, Competitive models of quality management of higher education in the 21st century: monograph, Kyiv, Kyiv National Economic University, 2019, pp. 159-176 (in Ukrainian)
- Antoniuk, L., Khomenko, O. (2016) Innovative strategy of competitive development of the PRC, Strategies of competitive development in the global economy: monograph, Kyiv, Kyiv National Economic University, pp. 60-92
- Khomenko, O. (2014) The Strategy of world-class universities’ development in China, Research universities: international experience and prospects in Ukraine, Kyiv National Economic University, pp. 159-174
- Kiktenko, V., Drobotiuk, O. (2021). Scientific and Educational Cooperation between Ukraine and China in the Period 2016–2020. The World of the Orient, (4 (113), 33-55. https://doi.org/10.15407/orientw04.033 (in Ukrainian)
- Osadchuk, V., Shaidetska, V., Drobotiuk, O. (2020). Trends in the Chinese Poultry Meat Market: Prospects for the Ukrainian Exporters. Chinese Studies, (2), 93-102. https://doi.org/10.51198/chinesest02.093
- Drobotiuk, O., Osadchuk, V., Shaidetska, V. (2021). Energy Transformation in China: Towards Global Leadership in Renewable Energy. Chinese Studies, (1), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.15407/chinesest01.017 (in Ukrainian)
- Ilnytskyy, D.,Drobotiuk, O. (2019) Scenarios for the higher education development in Ukraine: flourishing, stagnation or degradation. University Education, (6), 56-68.
- Drobotiuk, O., Monashova, V. (2019). China’s Overseas Special Economic Zones: Experience of the Republic of Belarus. Chinese Studies, (2), 29-37. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2019). Chinese Megacities: Economic Growth nd Development. Chinese Studies, (2), 13-28
- Drobotiuk, O. (2019). Evolution of China’s Economic Development Model. Chinese Studies, (1), 76-93.
- Drobotiuk, O. (2018). Sustainable Development of People’s Republic of China: Inclusive Innovations. Chinese Studies, (2), 127-132. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko, O. (2018). Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Chinese Economy’s Inclusive Development. Chinese Studies, (1), 69-76. (in Ukrainian)
- Ilnytskyy D., Khomenko O. (2016) Universities in incipience of the knowledge economy: focus on Taiwan and Ukraine. Scientific notes, (Special issue), 95-100.
- Khomenko O. (2015) The universities in the knowledge economy: Taiwan and Ukraine / Olga Khomenko, Denis Ilnytskyy. Securities Market (9-10), 45-58. (in Ukrainian)
- Ilnytskyy D., Khomenko O. (2015) China in the global scientific and educational space: intellectual breakthrough strategy. The East, (5), 46-55. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko O., Sandul M. (2015) Competitive Higher Education Systems’ Development Patterns: General Issues (Chinese case study). Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series «Economic Sciences», (11, v.4), 16-20. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko O. (2014) Disproportions of innovative development of Chinese provinces under national economic security. Innovative Economy, (2 [51]), 209-214. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko O. (2013) The innovation policy of PRC. Economy and Entrepreneurship, (11), 159-162. (in Russian)
- Khomenko O. (2012) The features and stages of the Chinese innovation model. International economic policy, Special edition (part 2), 359-364. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko O (2012) The Chinese experience in world-class universities’ development. The Higher Education of Ukraine, 3 (edition 2), 52-55. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko O. (2012) The theoretical conceptions of national innovation potential. Innovative Economy, (3 [29]), 204-207.
- Khomenko O. (2011) Countries’ innovative competitiveness. The Actual Problems of Economics, (8 (122)), 100-105. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O., Osadchuk, V., Shaidetska, V. (2020) China’s global leadership in alternative energy, Ukraine – China, (19), 30-37. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2019) Ukrainian-Chinese economic cooperation: results of 2010-2018, Ukraine – China, (18), 8-17. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2019) China’s economy on the threshold of 2019: results and forecasts, Ukraine – China, (15), 42-46. (in Ukrainian)
- Antoniuk, L., Drobotiuk, O., Khlystova, O. (2018) Innovative development strategies of the PRC: 1978-2018, Ukraine – China, (14), 38-47. (in Ukrainian)
- Drobotiuk, O. (2018) The role of special economic zones in the reform and openness policy of the PRC, Ukraine – China, (14), 48-51. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko, O. (2018) “New Silk Road”: advantages of business partnership between Ukraine and China, Ukraine – China, (13), 140-143 (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko, O. (2018) Circular economy: the basis of China’s sustainable development, Ukraine – China, (12), 74-77. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko, O. (2018) Inclusive growth of China: socio-economic effect, Ukraine – China, (11), 60-65. (in Ukrainian)
- Antoniuk, L., Khomenko, O. (2017) Strategic vectors of international economic relations between Ukraine and China, Ukraine – China, (9), 70-75. (in Ukrainian)
- Khomenko, O., Tymchenko, D. (2017) Alternative energy as the key to sustainable development of China and energy independence of Ukraine, Ukraine – China, (9), 98-103. (in Ukrainian)
- Antoniuk, L., Khomenko, O. (2017) China’s Technological Competitiveness in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Ukraine – China, (7), 102-108. (in Ukrainian)