Mykola Tarasenko

Leading researcher, Senior Fellow, Dr. History
Researcher ID: AAM-6799-2020
Scopus Author ID: 57216581758
Main research interests:
- Egyptology
- culture, religion, mythology and art of ancient Egypt
- the history and archeology of civilizations of the Ancient Near East
Research topics:
- exploration of the visual and textual traditions of ancient Egyptian objects (papyri, coffins, mummy bandages, etc.)
- Ancient Egyptian artifacts in the museums of Ukraine
PhD thesis:
- Древнеегипетские мифы о мироздании (по материалам 17-й главы Книги Мертвых). Дисс. канд. ист. наук. 07.00.02 – Всемирная история. Ин-т востоковедения им. А. Крымского НАН Украины. – К., 2004. – 304 с. [Ancient Egyptian myths about the Universe (based on the 17th Chapter of the Book of the Dead). PhD Diss. (07.00.02 – World History). A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. Кiev, 2004 . 304 p. (in Russian)].
- Древнеегипетская картина мира в изобразительной традиции Книги мертвых времени Нового царства и Третьего переходного периода (виньетки глав 16, 17 и 42). Дисс. д-ра ист. наук. 07.00.02 – Всемирная история. Ин-т востоковедения им. А.Е. Крымского НАН Украины. – К., 2012. – Т. І–ІІ. – 771 c. [Ancient Egyptian picture of the world in the fine art tradition of the Book of the Dead of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period (vignettes of Chapters 16, 17 and 42). Dr. habil. Diss. (07.00.02 – World History). A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. Кiev, 2012. Vol. І–ІІ. 771 p. (in Russian)]
List of main publications:
- Древнеегипетская мифология в изобразительной традиции Книги Мертвых (виньетки глав 16, 17 и 42 в Новом царстве – Третьем переходном периоде). – Киев: “Интерпресс ЛТД”, Киев. славист. ун-т, 2009. – 336 с., ил. [Ancient Egyptian mythology in the pictorial tradition of the Book of the Dead (the vignettes of Chapters 16, 17 and 42 during the New Kingdom – Third Intermediate Period). Kiev: “Interpress Ltd”; Kiev Slavistic University, 2009. 336 p., Ill. (In Russian)]
- Studies on the vignettes from Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead. I: The image of mś.w Bdšt in ancient Egyptian mythology. Archaeopress Egyptology 16, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016, VIII+151 p.
- Папирусный свиток на виньетках древнеегипетской Книги мёртвых. – Киев: Институт востоковедения им. А.Е. Крымского НАН Украины, 2018. – 168 с. [Papyrus rolls depicted in Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead vignettes, Kiev: A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2018, 168 p. (In Russian)]
- У пошуках старожитностей з дару хедива. Давньоєгипетські пам’ятники XXI династії в музеях України. – Київ: Інститутсходознавстваім. А. Ю. Кримського НАН України, 2019. – 316 с., іл. [In search of antiquities from the gift of the Khedive. Ancient Egyptian objects of the 21st Dynasty in the museums of Ukraine.Kyiv: A.Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2019. 316 p., ills (In Ukrainian)]
- Давньоєгипетські статуетки ушебті в зібранні Одеського археологічного музею НАН України. – Київ: Інститут сходознавства ім. А. Ю. Кримського НАН України, 2021. – 236 с., іл. [Ancient Egyptian shabti statuettes in the collection of the Odesa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv: A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2021. 236 p., ills (In Ukrainian)]
- Tarasenko M., Elias J. 25th Dynasty Coffin Types Reconsidered. Typological Analysis of Coffin Lid KPL-Arch-829, National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”. Carlisle (Pennsylvania): Pendici Publishing, 2023. 147 p.
- Давньоєгипетські старожитності XXI династії у музеях України. – Київ: Академперіодика, 2024. – 274 с., іл. [Ancient Egyptian antiquities of the 21st Dynasty in museums of Ukraine. Kyiv: Akademperiodyka, 2024, 274 p., ills (In Ukrainian)]
- Доісламський Близький Схід: історія, релігія, культура / Під ред. М. О. Тарасенка / Упоряд. М. О. Тарасенко, Г. В. Вертієнко. – К.: Інститут сходознавства ім. А. Ю. Кримського НАНУ, 2014. – 288 с. [Tarasenko M. O. (ed.), Pre-Islamic Near East: History, Religion, Culture. Kyiv: A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2014, 284 p. (In Ukrainian, English, French, and Russian)].
- Доісламський Близький Схід: історія, релігія, культура. Вип. 2 / За ред. М.О. Тарасенка; упоряд. М. О. Тарасенко, А. О. Спартак.– Київ: Інститут сходознавства ім. А. Ю. Кримського НАН України, 2021. – 188 с.[Tarasenko M. (ed.) [Pre-Islamic Near East: history, religion, culture. Vol. 2. Kyiv: A. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 188 p. (In Ukrainian, English and Belorusian)]
- Давньоєгипетська література в українських перекладах / ред. та упоряд. Миколи Тарасенка. – Київ – Харків: Видавець Олександр Савчук, 2022. – 256 с. [Tarasenko M. (ed.) Ancient Egyptian literature in Ukrainian translations. Kyiv and Kharkiv: Vydavets Oleksandr Savchuk, 2022, 256 p.]
- Tarasenko M., Morenz L., Baines J. (eds)“Niemand kann alleine kämpfen” / “Nobody can struggle alone” / “Ніхто не може боротися наодинці”: an Egyptological volume on behalf of Ukraine(Bonner Ägyptologische Beiträge. Bd. 14. Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt, 2024. 331 p.
- The Osirian Myth and its characters in the Book of the Dead Chapter 17. In E. Kormysheva (ed.), Cultural Heritage of Egypt and Christian Orient, Vol. 3, Moscow, 2006, pp. 75–102.
- Mythological allusions connected with Cosmogony in Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead. In B. Backes, I. Munro, S. Stöhr (eds), Totenbuch-Forschungen: Gesammelte Beiträge des 2. Internationalen Totenbuch-Symposiums, Bonn, 25. bis 29. September 2005, Studien zum Altägyptischen Totenbuch, Bd. 11, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrаssowitz, 2006, pp. 339–355.
- “Ruti-Scene” in Ancient Egyptian Religious Art (19–21 Dynasties). In E. Kormysheva (ed.), Cultural Heritage of Egypt and Christian Orient, Vol. 4, Moscow, 2007, pp. 77–122.
- The BD 42 vignettes during the New Kingdom and Third intermediate Period. In B. Backes, M. Müller-Roth and S. Stöhr (eds), Ausgestattet mit den Schriften des Thot. Festschrift für Irmtraut Munro zu ihrem 65. Geburtstag, Studien zum altägyptischen Totenbuch, Bd. 14, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrаssowitz, 2009, pp. 239–265.
- The vignettes of the Book of the Dead chapter 17 during the Saite Period. InE. Kormysheva, D. Michaux-Colombot, and E. Fantusati (eds), Cultural Heritage of Egypt and Christian Orient,Vol. 6, Moscow, Orleans and Roma, 2011, pp. 71–87.
- The vignettes of the Book of the Dead chapter 17 during the Third Intermediate Period (21st − 22nd Dynasties), Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 41, 2012, pp. 379–394, Taf. 35–37.
- Development of illustrative tradition of the chapter 42 of the Book of the Dead, Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 42, 2013, pp. 325–348.
- The illustrations of the Book of the Dead chapter 17 during the 18th Dynasty. In М. Tarasenko (ed.), Preislamic Near East: History, Religion, Culture, Кyiv, 2014, pp. 241–256.
- The “Children of Nūt” and their Rebellion in Chapter 175A of the Book of the Dead. In N. Guilhou (ed.),Liber Amicorum–Speculum Siderum: Nūt Astrophoros. Papers Presented to Alicia Maravelia, Archaeopress Egyptology, 17, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016, pp. 35–48.
- The Third Intermediate Period coffins in the Museums of Ukraine. In A. Amenta and H. Guichard (eds),Proceedings First Vatican Coffin Conference: 19–22 June 2013, Vol. II, Vatican, 2017, pp. 529–540.
- “Children of Weakness” in the Book of Gates. InM. Tomorad and J. Popielska-Grzybowska (eds),Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference of Egyptologists (2nd-7th June, 2015, Zagreb – Croatia), Archaeopress Egyptology, 18, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017, pp. 31–44.
- Images of papyrus rolls in vignettes of the Book of the Dead. In K. A. Kóthay (ed.), Burial and Mortuary Practices in Late Period and Graeco-Roman Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 17–19 July 2014, Budapest, MFA, Budapest: MFA, 2017, pp. 73–80, pl. 8–12.
- Studies on BD 17 vignettes: iconographic typology of (New Kingdom – Third Intermediate Period). In M. C. Guidotti and G. Rosati (eds), Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, Italy 23–30 August 2015, Archaeopress Egyptology, 19, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017, pp. 615–621.
- (with Mladen Tomorad), The shabtis from the Museum of Oriental Civilizations in Zolochiv Castle, Ukraine, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 46, 2017, pp. 257–266, Taf. 23–26.
- Mummy-cover fragment Ar–227 in the Lviv Museum of History of Religion. In H. Strudwick and J. Dawson (eds), Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past – Present – Future, Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow, 2019, p. 215.
- The Book of the Dead fragments in the Collection of the Institute of Manuscripts of the V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (F. VIII, no. 565/15). In M. Mosher, Jr. (ed.), The Book of the Dead, Saite through Ptolemaic Periods. Essays on Books of the Dead and Related Topics, SPBD Studies, Prescott (Arizona), 2019. pp. 541–555.
- Gliedervergottung Texts & Theogonic Ideas in Ancient Egypt. In A. Maravelia and N. Guilhou (eds), Environment and Religion in Ancient and Coptic Egypt: Sensing the Cosmos through the Eyes of the Divine, Archaeopress Egyptology 30, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020. pp. 431–442.
- Shabti of Panefernefer from the collection of Poltava Local History Museum. Arheologia, 2020, No. 3, pp. 24–39.
- The vignettes of Chapter 17 from the Book of the Dead as found in the Papyrus of Nakht (London BM EA 10471): at the beginning of the Ramesside Iconographic Tradition, Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, Vol. 3, 2020, pp. 131–146.
- The Lot VI of Bab el-Gasus in the light of the new archive documents. In R. Sousa, A. Amenta, and K. M. Cooney (eds), Bab el-Gasus in Context. Rediscovering the Tomb of the Priests of Amun (Egitto Antico, 4), Roma and Bristol, 2021, pp. 263–278.
- Some Remarks to the Semantics of Image of Deity on the Coffin of Sepi III (Cairo CG 28083). In L. Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez (ed.), Eternal Sadness: Representations of Death in Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Present Time (Eikón Imago, Vol. 10: Monographic Issue), Madrid, 2021, pp. 229–239.
- Oud-Egypte in Oekraïne. In Mehen. Essays over het oudeEgypte (2021–2022), Leiden, 2021, pp. 132–147.
- Egyptian Mummies in Ukrainian Museums: An Overview.Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, 2021, Vol. 4, pp. 145–150.
- (with Piombino-Mascali D. and Jankauskas R.) What’s hidden in the Sarcophagus? The first-ever Lithuanian mummy exhibition (2021–2022). Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, 2021, Vol. 4, pp. 141–144.
- Ancient Egypt in Ukraine. ICOM/CIPEG E-News, 2022, Vol. 17: Special issue on Egyptian collections in the Ukraine
- The semantics of the expression m-ḫtmni=f in the Book of the Dead Spell 17. In M. K. Jakobsen (ed.), Sociolinguistics: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, New York: Nova, 2022, pp. 107–119.
- The burial assemblage of Nesimūt (Bab ᾽el-Gasūs, Set A.48): Usurpation or adaptation? Journal of the Hellenic Institute of Egyptology, Vol. 5, 2022, pp. 155–162.
- Shabtis from the Bab el-Gusus Cache in the museums of Ukraine. In S. Moser, J. Popielska-Grzybowska, J. Iwaszczuk, and C. R. Redda (eds), Ancient Egypt 2021. Perspective of Research, Travaux de l’Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, T. 14, Warsaw and Weisbaden: Harrassowitz, 2023, pp. 155–164, 237–241.
- (with Mahmoud M. Ibrahim) Mummy Bandage Cairo JE 7638. Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, T. 123, 2023, pp. 273–293.
- Shabti of Nes-ta-wedjat-akhet (OAM no. 52539): a contribution to the prosopography of the 21st Dynasty. In M. Tarasenko, L. Morenz, and J. Baines (eds), Niemandkannalleinekämpfen” / “Nobody can struggle alone” / “Ніхто не може боротися наодинці”: an Egyptological volume on behalf of Ukraine, Bonner Ägyptologische Beiträge, Bd. 14, Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt, 2024, pp. 41–58.